Sunday, May 11, 2014

Congrats 2014 Fort Worth Texas Exes Champs!

Congratulations to the Crossways Counseling team on recently winning first place in the 2014 Fort Worth Texas Exes golf tournament. This benefit golf tournament raised thousands of dollars to help create numerous scholarships that will be awarded to deserving students who are in need of financial support. Well done Randy, Ryan, Peter, and Brent! Thankfully, they didn't hook 'em off the tee box :)

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Got Peace? Got Fear? Got Life?

"Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would go to pieces, I would still plant my apple tree (today)." - Dr. Martin Luther

I've recently talked with a large number of people who are experiencing significant hurt, fear, and uncertainty in life. Of course, being confronted with such life challenges is nothing new under the sun. Nine years ago this month, my father introduced me to the aforementioned quote while we were sitting in the waiting room of the oncologist who was treating him for Stage IV Kidney cancer. In response to my question, "Dad, what are you doing to try to cope with what you're facing? (his impending death that would come some three weeks later)" my father articulated this quote off the top of his head. As I looked at my dad slumped in the chair, his body not even closely resembling his "earthly tent" that had one time measured 6'1" and 225lbs, he once again reminded me that to live and die in Christ is gain, but to live in fear is a death in and of itself. In fact, the words of Jesus are as true and applicable today as they were 2,000 years ago. "Who of you can add a single hour to the day by worrying? Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will have enough worry of its own." Live life, laugh often, and love others like there is no tomorrow. We never know how many days we have left in life with our family and friends.